Why you're not getting what you want

It's not that you don't deserve what you want. You do. I've been saying that for a while now.

Getting what you want has everything to do with timing, and taking action.

Six months ago I created a vision for what I wanted my life to be like. How much I wanted to make. How I wanted to be seen by others. The people I wanted in my life.

I'm disappointed that I haven't achieved some of these but, looking at it now, so much of what I wanted has happened.

Six months ago I wrote in the hopeful present tense: "I help people lean on and love each other." This vision was written well before the hug tour was born, yet it describes it perfectly.

I also wrote: "I laugh everyday and make others laugh." Done. I'm starting to annoy myself with my own uncontrollable cackle, and I love that I have so much to laugh about and people with me in on the joke.

"I'm a known brand and resource." Mission accomplished with more to come. My twitter network has doubled and it feels great to know that I am valued as a coach.

There are two things written on my vision page that have not happened. Lately I've been thinking that maybe I was too specific. That visions don't work like that.

I am not yet making $175,000 a year (aim high, right?), and I am not yet taking a three-week vacation abroad with my boyfriend—neither the vacation nor the boyfriend exist at the moment.

Well, boo hoo.

You know what? They haven't happened for a reason. I have been sitting on my hands for six months waiting for both to magically materialize.

Duh. It doesn't work that way.

How did I help people love each other? By going out into the world and hugging them! How come I laugh so much? I changed my outlook on the things happening in my life.

How am I a known brand? Because I blog and tweet regularly. Because I speak in front of groups. Because...I made it happen.

Time to make the last two happen. The first step is to take a step.

For the income vision, I built a basic plan. One sheet of paper and 45 minutes later, in front of me was how much I make per month now, how much I want to make and seven things I can do each week to make it happen.

For the boyfriend-vacation, it's a lie that I have been sitting on my hands. I have after all changed the story of my life in the last year. Believing that I can be loved, loving others and loving myself more are all big steps toward the relationship that I want.

What I need to do next is simple:  look up. When I walk down the street, when I'm at a party. The right guy could be right in front of me but if I'm not looking up I'll never know it.

With this renewed burst of energy and focus on my vision, I'm ready.

Are you?