Worried you'll get it wrong?

Ever worry you'll make the wrong choice?

Disappoint the people whose opinions matter most?

Regret...everything...and be unable to do anything about it? 

It's impossible.

Every step you take brings you closer to your goals, crosses paths with someone who can help, and makes you smarter & braver than you were before. And sometimes all of this comes from what seems like a "wrong turn" that sends you in the opposite direction you meant to go.

At this point in the new year you probably hit a couple milestones toward the big goals you set for yourself - if so, congratulations! You probably also bumped up against roadblocks and naysayers and inner critics telling you to back off. It's too soon. You're not ready. You set the bar too high and might fail so embarrassingly you'll never be able to recover. 

I can't be the only one hearing those! 

It's what be scared & doing it anyway is all about. 

No matter what those voices in your head and people in your life are saying, keep going. You're on the right track; something worthwhile will come from your consistent (albeit fear-filled) effort. 

Very likely the result will be more amazing than you ever imagined.

Let's go after your big goal together!

Surrounded by an intimate circle of women from around the country being scared & doing it anyway together. Building incredible businesses that serve their communities, support their families, and prove all the naysayers wrong.

Career Clarity & Community for Women in Business will begin on Monday, February 5 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern and help you bravely leap for FOUR whole months. Videos, worksheets, accountability and support from others right where you are. 

Only three spots are left. Is one of them yours?