Happy anniversary Hug Tour!

  Five years ago today, I began a mission to unabashedly love the people in my life.

There's that saying, right, about the small steps that begin any big endeavor. You have to start somewhere, and that's what this was. That Tuesday in 2011 I delivered chocolate-covered figs to my accountant, and walked around Washington, DC visiting friends at Starbucks and their office buildings to give them a hug. Just because. Because I cared about them, and wanted to show them in the easiest and most genuine way I knew how.

What made this more than a nice idea is YOU.hug-wall

You Hug Like You Mean It. You show family and friends how much you care. You have worn your t-shirts, and shared hug photos and stories from all over the world.

Here we all are five years later. Still hugging.

There is more to do. More hugs to give -- and receive, don't forget to take in the love that is coming to you! -- more people in our lives who need to know and feel how important they are to us. A touch on their arm, a friendly ear to listen, a genuine hug...as Maya Angelou said, "Give what you have to give in the biggest way possible."

Thank you for making Hug Tour a reality. We wouldn't be here without you.  

Happy Fifth Anniversary to all of us!

Now go out there and hug someone like you mean it!