New book!!! Coming soon!!!

Drumroll, please!

I'm excited to unveil the cover of my new book! It's so close now, a few days before I open up pre-orders and a few weeks before the first copies ship!


What's it about? 

Dream careers. Cross-country moves. Magical coffee shops. My clients have faced fear and doubt in order to create lives more amazing than they ever thought possible. This book shares the Seven Lessons they learned so you can create a life you love too, and ENJOY THE CRAP out of getting there!

In a week or so I'll be back to share a FREE CHAPTER so you can learn one of those lessons and get a sense of the inspiring stories and homework assignments featured.   

Who is someone you know who would love this book? Maybe they have been contemplating a big leap for a while and just haven't figured out how to make it happen...yet. 

If they sign up here they'll receive free goodies that can help: An excerpt from my current book, I'm scared & doing it anyway, and a free worksheet used by my most-successful clients through the years. My mailing list is also the only way to see the Free Chapter of my new book when it becomes available in early November. 

Even better than all that is something special I have just for you...

Want to read the book before anyone else?

You read that right. I'm offering select readers in my Life-Loving & Leaping community an opportunity to see the entire book before it's published. This offer won't appear anywhere else. Membership has its privileges!

If you're interested in being an early reader of my new book, comment below with your preferred email address. 

That's it! You'll be on the list! 

I can't wait to hear how this book helps your next leap! (!!!!)