What's new with you?

You know when you pass someone and they say, "How are you," like it's a greeting rather than a question? I really want to know the answer.

What is so good in your life that you can't wait to tell someone about it? What problem are you facing right now that has you still searching for the right answer?

What are you working on, dreaming about, and what's getting in your way?

This is a two-way conversation. I forget sometimes as I try to figure out what would be most useful, and worth your time, that instead I should be asking you!

So this week, I'm listening.

If things are going well, I would love to celebrate with you. If things could be better, please tell me about that too. Everything and anything you have to say is welcome. I'm grateful for the chance to hear from you. 

Please comment on this post, email, or call.

I'm here. Always.

How are you?