When you need something, reach for this

Hi friends,

It’s Election Day. Hope you’re voting and taking care of yourself.

For that second one, here are resources I’m leaning on right now which you might like too. Anything snuggly, hug-gy and warm are on my list.

1) Calming nighttime routines from Womaze that I shared on my Instagram yesterday. The journal prompts are my favorite.

2) A month of self care ideas from Mellow Doodles. Today’s is making a playlist of your favorite, uplifting songs. If you do, please share it with me! Here’s my “You should be dancing” playlist on Spotify. It’s super cheesy, but I think you can handle it. In fact, you probably expect nothing less.

3) Tonight’s Mo Willems Democracy Doodle. The title alone just feels right. Tonight at 7pm ET, illustrator Mo Willems will host a doodling event accompanied by the National Symphony Orchestra. I hope you’ll join me with your favorite crayons and markers.

4) Call your mom, a friend, or send cupcakes. I’m doing all three. Mom was going to the polls at 6am so I’m checking in on her, a friend already called me on her walk to grab a coffee, and I’m not-so-patiently waiting for a cafe in Washington, DC to open so I can order a delivery of cupcakes to someone working hard to prevent online voter suppression. Kindness matters and makes a difference.

What are you doing to instill self-care, inspiration, and calm in your life? Comment here or email me!

And please know how cherished you are, how much we all need you to take care of yourself, and that we are in this together. Always.
