My Next Leap: A big sigh of relief


My Next Leap Q&A with Paige Continentino, life coach and co-founder of Meditation for the Imagination.

What's your next leap?

I want to leave the day job that is still paying the bills, and that keeps me from fully developing my other work—coaching and teaching meditation.

How leaps usually happen with me is that I get the feeling first—and I’ve learned not to jump to conclusions or try to figure it out because that can lead to wrong steps and disasters—and with a little time and patience it becomes clear.

How are you feeling about it?

One feeling I get about this particular leap is that it has everything to do with living authentically—really living from what makes my heart sing and cutting out the rest.

The things that most excite me deep down, regardless of income potential, are the things that are happening the most easily, with flow and without a lot of effort.

What do you notice about this leap?

What's most alive in me and in the world is not the day job (this I already knew). It's the work I'm developing within the coaching and meditation.

This is the work that has flow, that is growing, but in unpredictable ways.

In fact, teaching meditation to children and families is coming together almost effortlessly. People are responding so well, they want more, they love the ideas, etc. It feels like the topic of meditation for all is coming to life in the world.

This is the first time I've ever felt this way, and it's like breathing a big sigh of relief.

The good news is that I'd prefer to work with groups and my first one just came together, easily, with flow. So that feels really good.

I'm connecting with more coaches in my area and thinking of new collaborations that are in the same flow with the mindfulness, working with kids and teens, and with groups.

I'm starting to feel more like I can step back and watch things take shape instead of having to make them happen. That's the biggest shift I've experienced and it's so nice.

What are you learning about yourself?

That I feel better and better with each shedding of non-authentic parts of myself. That I have become more comfortable with who I am, more comfortable in my own skin.

From this place, the horizon looks wide, the possibilities endless, and all feels exciting and rewarding.

What advice do you have for readers considering their own leap?

Does what you’re leaping into make your heart sing?

If not, think twice. If so, then just do it!

What help do you need?

Any words of encouragement are welcome!!

Do you have a story to share? Tell us.