Are you worn out?

I shared this yesterday on social media after more than a few clients sighed heavily during our conversations, and I noticed myself sighing back at them.


Why are we all worn out?

Because we’re trying to work at the same pace we would have a year ago.

It’s not possible, too much is happening, and more feels at stake right now. (More is at stake if you watch even seconds of the news and the countdown to the election. Hope you have a Voting Plan!)

Add to that that more is required of us intellectually, physically and emotionally every single day. Our new normals are constantly changing. I think and hope ultimately it’ll be a good thing, we’ll come out more appreciative of what we have, more connected to one another, but the middle part where everything upends is really uncomfortable.

No wonder we’re tired!

If you feel it too, please book a nap on your schedule today, or a walk without your phone in a pretty place, or 15 minutes staring out the window at clouds rolling by. The benefit of the latter is it requires you to be still for a while to notice their slow, steady pace.

Wishing us all a slower and steadier pace too.

We’ll get there. We’re getting there. Barreling ahead or forcing ourselves to fulfill unreasonable expectations is not working, so let’s collectively take it down a notch.

Nap, please.

What will you do to take it down a notch?