Free Live Chat on Wednesday

Are you ready for the end of the year? Is your business?? 

2018 will be here before we know it and 2017 needs to be in order before you can be ready to take on anything new. 

Let's get you there with an activity from the invitation-only masterminds I host for women business owners. (It works whether or not you have a business.) Experience what has made a difference for these powerhouse women!

Register here to tune in LIVE and ask your questions. If you can't make it at that time, register anyway and you will receive the recording to view whenever is good for you. 

In between family events maybe?

In the meantime if you're feeling overwhelmed by the holiday onslaught, check out these ideas from one of my most-popular posts on balancing September buzz. Yes, I know it's December, but the buzz-y feelings can be the same.

While you can't always change what's on your calendar, or who's around your table this holiday season, you can choose how you feel about it. And that choice will dramatically affect how you end the year and begin the new one.

Hope to SEE you tomorrow!


LYMI: Zen & the art of running a business

LYMI: Zen & the art of running a business

In February, I was tired of doing things the same way. I made a conscious decision to make a change, even if it meant dealing with the shock of being outside my comfort zone.

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