What's your next adventure?

Hi friends!

Today I fly to Europe with my father on our second trip together.

This photo was from our previous adventure in Italy, and this time we’re cruising up the Rhine River from Switzerland to Germany and The Netherlands.

In addition to the joy of wandering around new cities with new people, new food, new art…the real adventure is in our relationship.


This photo tells you a lot about our different personalities and approaches to life. We don’t always see eye to eye, but we are better for every attempt. For instance, I know this is him smiling, curiously amused by his daughter pushing him out of his comfort zone.

That’s the thing about adventures, and leaps of all kinds personal and professional.

There’s what you think it’s about — the logistics of sightseeing excursions or printing business cards for your new business — and then there’s what it’s really about beneath the surface.

And what it’s really about? You changing in a fundamental way. You are a different person with every new adventure and leap. You are changing before your very eyes, and so is everyone else around you, and it is totally uncomfortable.

Not unlike the look on my father’s face.

It’s amusing, maybe exciting, and probably some version of scary too. You don’t know what will happen, and there’s no way of knowing until you go for it. Get on the airplane. Send your first marketing email.

On the other side is where you learn who you really are.

What’s your next adventure, personal or professional, and what is the real adventure beneath it?

No matter where in the world we are, we’re in this together.

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LYMI: Zen & the art of running a business

In February, I was tired of doing things the same way. I made a conscious decision to make a change, even if it meant dealing with the shock of being outside my comfort zone.

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