How to get ready for 2019

This time of year can feel like you’re straddling between two places at once.

One part of you is scrambling to finish everything, celebrate everything, and see everyone.

Another is already in 2019 worrying that if you don’t do more now, you’ll be behind before the clock has even struck.

I’ve been asked several times this week what you can do to make the most of the new year.

My answer is: Stay In 2018.

You have ELEVEN whole days until January. Think of what that would mean if you were going on vacation (some of you are!) or planning a project. Eleven days would feel like plenty of time. Though there may be traveling, and shifts in your schedule over these next days, it’s still a decent amount of time to solidify positive habits, be present with the people you love, revel in all that has happened this year and still knock a couple things off of your list. A couple.

2019 will be here soon enough. And yes, I’m hosting a call in January (Thursday 1/17 at 1pm with my sparkly fun friend Lara Zielin!). More about that soon, and in the meantime:

The best way to be fully prepared for what’s to come is to be fully here now.

If it’s a challenge, repeat to yourself, “Be here now,” throughout the day. It works.

Wishing you peace, joy, satisfaction and sprinkles-galore!
